
The Tallahassee Highland Games, a 501C3 organization, is bringing "the Scottish Games" back to Tallahassee after 10 long years, on February 3rd & 4th at the Apalachee Regional Park. We are seeking volunteers and support as our come-back event has morphed into a large two day festival with 20 Clans represented, 27 vendors, Scottish music, dancers, competitors in kilts doing stones and caber toss, falconry, food and drink, and so much more!  
    • Visit Tallahassee Sports

      Visit Tallahassee Sports department works with collegiate and community partners to recruit, market and provide assistance to local, regional and national sporting events to expand economic impact of sports tourism in Tallahassee/Leon County.

      Go Visit Tallahassee 
    • International Highland Games Federation Logo

      International Highland Games Federation

      The aim of theIHGF is to establish and promote the traditions of Highland Games wherever possible and to encourage young athletes into the sport with the many coaching clinics arranged by the Federation.

      See the IHGF 
    • Iron Vault Strength

      Tallahassee's premier strongman training facility and host of the Iron Vault Classic. Owner and Coach Brett Fain focuses on athlete longevity, strength and the sport of strength.

      Let's get strong 
    • Mildly Offensive Strongman

      All the smack talk and gym talk you hear from strongmen and strongwomen, but on a shirt.

      Find your favorite shirt today! 
    • St. Andrew Society of Tallahassee, FL

      The St. Andrew Society of Tallahassee is a cultural preservation society promoting Scottish heritage and culture through its history, literature, folklore, customs, traditions, music, dance, dress and more.

      See St. Andrew Society